June 29 – 30, 2019
«Arturo Frondizi» Convention Center.
Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina

General considerations
The Congress was free and had the sponsorship of the Municipality of Vicente Lopez and the Embassy of India in Argentina along with the accompaniment of 14 other institutions.
A total of 600 people attended in all the sessions of both days, Saturday and Sunday.
Attendees from many countries were present, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela, as well as India, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and Fiji.
On stage for the opening ceremony were Sri Madhusudan (spiritual and social leader from India), Sri BN Narasimha Murthy (Chancellor, Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence – Gulbarga, India), Marcelo Wechsler (National Representative – City of Buenos Aires), Sri Raakesh Natraj (Cultural Attaché – Embassy of India in Argentina).
The performance of the Fanfare of Mounted Grenadiers Regiment during the opening ceremony, together with the chant of the Argentine National Anthem represented emotional moments.
All the presentations were streamed on both days. The Congress was followed by more than 3,500 people online. The Head of the Marambio Base, Commodore Lucas Lugones transmitted his speech directly from Antarctica.
Twenty speakers were from Argentina and seven from other countries.
The Subjects covered in the different panel sessions were:
- Nutrition
- Disabilities
- Education in Human Values across ages: childhood, adolescence, young adults, senior adults. New material was presented, recently developed for the inauguration of the Latin American Institute of Human Values;
- Corporations
- Environment
- Health
- Community transformation, including Leadership.

- We are many more than we initially believed when we started preparing the Congress. There is a very large number of institutions, NGO’s, foundations, and personal initiatives, public as well as private, working selflessly to build a better world.
- The Human Values, go through all the instances of our societies, in any field that we observe they are present giving meaning and direction to each action, to each undertaking, to each project. That is why the newly inaugurated Institute will deal with Human Values in the general framework of our societies, beginning with the educational field.
- This conception goes hand in hand with the incorporation of spirituality as a specific dimension of the humanness. There is a perception of the transcendent in each person, which may or may not be within their tradition of family or community origin, but which permeates their view of the world and also their destiny. We saw as an urgent need not only to accept, but to integrate spirituality as part of the unique wealth we have as human beings, and to share the apparent different visions of all the great traditions, and thus enrich our spirit.
- There was consensus on the need to continue working in the direction of education, especially in childhood. The gap between a part of society that is very submerged and peripheral and another that accesses food, health and education resources is expanding. Training teachers who know how to integrate the most vulnerable students is essential.
- A special chapter will be included in the area of training. It will be devoted to Healthcare Education, to emphasize the significance of life and its conservation through the encouragement of healthy habits, and especially through the realization of the sacredness of every human life.
- We are creating a virtual platform to continuously deliver information about future steps in the work we just started.
- Finally, as part of the conclusions, this Congress exceeded the expectations of both the organizers and the participants. And in that sense, we conclude that this Congress is and was necessary. Necessary for each of us without a doubt, but also for our societies. We are people yearning for a profound change that goes beyond a mere desire, is a necessary change to be visualized and experienced in our actions.
- The change in our actions is necessary for our beloved Earth (Gaia) that is exhausted, tired of the abusive use of its vital resources. And especially necessary for our souls, who currently are recognizing the mission, destiny and purpose of our birth. Every small change that we can produce brings us closer to a more just, more equitable and happiness-giving society for all.
We close these comments on behalf of the organizing group and the Committee of the new Latin American Institute of Human Values, hoping in our heart of hearts that we listen to our inner voice, so we can actualize the dream and promise of all teachers of all traditions: that we live as brothers, under the fatherhood of the only God.
We invite you to register to access exclusive material available on the campus of the Latin American Institute of Human Values*.
Registration is completely free!
This proposal is ideal for you if it is:
- Certified teacher and works at an educational institution.
- Leadership. Mother/parent who wants to acquire parenting tools in human values.
- A graduate/professional looking to develop pedagogical and,
- A person willing to contribute to the practice of human values in their community.
*Nota: para acceder al material en la integración es necesario registrarse en la plataforma.